Citizen Security

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Machine learning-based, on-device mobile security solution

In today’s highly digital and social world, mobile devices connect your residents to the vital services you provide to better their lives and livelihood. But mobile devices are vulnerable to attacks. This puts your residents at risk especially when cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly frequent, sophisticated and impactful. Successful cyber attacks on residents can have ramifications well beyond just their personal lives in today’s hyper connected world.

“For the first time in cybercrime’s history, more attacks have been waged against mobile devices than have been hurled at desktops.”

InfoSecurity Magazine

March 2020

Cybersafety with the utmost respect for data privacy

Provide your residents peace of mind. Give them free access to persistent, on-device protection for their mobile devices with the same solution – zIPS- used by top Fortune 100 companies and government agencies around the world. The zSecure app protects your residents’ mobile devices against:

  • Phishing
  • Malicious & Risky apps
  • Vulnerable Software
  • Risky Settings
  • Device Compromise

The zSecure app protects your residents’ mobile devices, whether or not they are connected to the internet. Equally important, zSecure delivers this protection while requiring zero personal information from your residents. The app provides contextual alerts and meaningful recommendations to help keep citizens safe and build good security habits.


Zimperium zSecure for NYC and State of Michigan

A global leader in mobile security, Zimperium protects 100 million users every day. We provide the only solution with all machine learning-based threat detection occurring on-device—a critical requirement for a privacy-first solution. Zimperium is the only provider with proven, scalable and privacy-protecting implementations such as the ones we provided New York City and the state of Michigan.

“For the first time in cybercrime’s history, more attacks have been waged against mobile devices than have been hurled at desktops.”

Senior Advisor

New York City Cyber Command


Zimperium delivers a tailored solution

Benefits include:

  • Free app for all residents
  • Branding that inspires trust
  • Meaningful warnings & recommendations
  • Meaningful warnings & recommendations

Zimperium provides turnkey delivery

We take care of delivering the zSecure solution every step of the way.

  • Development
    Create and deliver the branded app for iOS and Android
  • Hosting
    Host and maintain the solution’s cloud infrastructure
  • Marketing
    Assist with content ideas to communicate risks & benefits
  • Upgrades
    Frequent updates with security features to counter new threats.

You can protect remote worker and student devices

In this unprecedented age of remote working and remote education, you can offer your citizens—students and workforce alike—invaluable protection for their Chromebooks too. zSecure is the first and only mobile device protection to keep Chromebooks secure, and thereby keep Chromebook users connected and productive.

Give your residents protection and peace of mind with zSecure.

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